Every now and then a story really resonates with me, and Empty Sky by Bart Meehan is one of them. Ths story is first up in the AntipodeanSF radio episode “Antigone“.
Don’t sleep. You have to be awake when they get here.
Every now and then a story really resonates with me, and Empty Sky by Bart Meehan is one of them. Ths story is first up in the AntipodeanSF radio episode “Antigone“.
Don’t sleep. You have to be awake when they get here.
Latest narration is a brain bending tale from Roger Ley, and can be listened to in the AntipodeanSF radio episode “Antenor“, with the story beginning around 10 mins in. Link is below, happy travels!
A cute little story from Robert W. Caldwell, (his personal blog is here) which was a great one to narrate with different character voices.
This story featured in the AntipodeanSF radio episode “Anschnell” with this story beginning at the start of the show.
Link to the radio show is below. Enjoy!
In October 2020 my flash-fiction “Fate of the Nameless Child” was published in Australian zine “Antipodean Sci Fi“. Now, hear it come to life in my narration of this story in Nuke’s radio show at the link below.
A bit of background on the story.
“Fate of the Nameless Child” began as a longer piece of work several years ago; a multi-chapter, multi-perspective narrative and commentary on how people fear the unknown ‘thing’, the unknown ‘one’. Themes of attempting to understand, contain, destroy are explored more deeply in the original.
I shopped it around to several publishing houses to no avail; some lovely feedback on the tone of voice and the themes in the longer form piece, which I am sure I will publish here one day so you can appreciate the full story and more of the characters who only get a passing mention in this version.
Who is the nameless child, and what is their fate?
Alistair, October 2020
p.s. Read my previous piece “Fallen Angel” also published by Antipodean SF.
Flash fiction by Aussie writer Natalie J.E. Potts. Feel the Earth rolling sickeningly beneath your feet as you contemplate the consequences of “Clutch”.
This story featured in the AntipodeanSF radio episode “Anitra” with this story starting at around the 15’15” mark.
Link to the radio show is below. Enjoy!