Photo by Lum3n from Pexels

Design and Code – Part 3 – Defining the ‘Auto120’ Class and Method Model

This is the third in a series of blog posts I’ve been working on during COVID isolation. It started with the idea of refreshing my systems design and software engineering skills, and grew in the making of it.

Part 1 describes ‘the problem’. A mathematics game designed to help children understand factors and limits which represents the board game Ludo. Part 2 takes you through the process I followed to break this problem down to understand the constraints and rules that players follow as a precursor to implementation design.

In Part 3 the building blocks for the design of the classes and methods are laid out in preparation for understanding each of the functions and attributes needed to encapsulate the game.

Get in touch on Twitter at @mr_al if you’d like to chat.

Implementation – Design

My major at University was a subject stream they called ‘Information Systems’. This provided both a fundamental understanding of what information is and how it is used, but also how it “flows” through any organisation or group of people. Early studies taught the logic and discipline behind ‘functional decomposition’. Or, in simpler terms, breaking a problem down into smaller, component parts until you get to a small enough, modular chunk of logic which can be more readily encapsulated into a coded program.

This is a really useful skill and can be applied to many facets of everyday life and work. It is counter-intuitive to some people who like to dive right in and start ‘cutting code’, but lends itself to more contemporary trends such as epic, story and sprint mapping in agile.

It is also the reason that learn-to-code tools such as Scratch, and groups like do so well in providing children with an introduction to coding – they start by getting the learners to solve logic problems with steps, loops and condition.

So – back to work.

I chose this game as a way of exploring Object Orientated design and programming. I last did this formally around 20 years ago when completing my under-graduate degree (Bach. of Computing, Monash, 2000), where we dabbled mainly in Eiffel and C.  I’d missed catching the Java train by a few years; after I graduated it was to become all the rage, replacing C++ and other stalwarts. Later, languages such as Python as Ruby also came along, and JavaScript matured from being a bit of fun to make crawlers on the bottom of your Mozilla browser, to something more serious and respected.

Again, I sat down with pen and paper and started to work through what a functional breakdown of Auto120 would look like, centered around three main classes: Players, Markers and the Game itself.

Figure 1 – Early pencil and paper breakdown of methods and attributes for the Marker, Game and Player classes
Figure 2 – Working through some of the logical flow for ‘Set C’ which is the method that seeks out ‘magic numbers’ to target. [Plus a bonus explanation of what makes up a cubic centimetre, courtesy of some remote learning math discussions with Miss 11]

Fast forward to defining the classes and methods in an IDE – in this case, Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition, and you get this:

Figure 3 – Class descriptions in table format. Note that there are certain methods and properties that ended up being redundant/deprecated as the code matured, as I realised there were simpler ways of implementing the logic. Shown here is the C++ implementation model, which was the second one built.

This class model is not perfect, but it’s a good start. In summary, the methods and attributes are:

Class – Player

An object describing an actor in the Game. They consist of the following attributes:

  • p_playerid – an integer set to 1 or 2,  identifying each Player
  • p_pieces – an array of  four  Markers , being the playing pieces for that Player

…and the following methods, excluding the eponymous constructor:

  • p_get_playerid – returns the Player’s identification number
  • p_assignpiece – assigns an instance of Marker to the player
  • p_check_game_status – checks to see if all the Player’s Markers have reached the end of the game

Class – Marker

An object describing the pieces (Markers) used by each Player in the Game. They consist of the following attributes:

  • m_location – an integer indicating the Position the piece is on
  • m_owner – [deprecated] an integer indicating which Player the Marker belongs to. [Not used in later versions as it was redundant; we already had a relationship established as you don’t have a Marker without a Player.]

…and the following methods, excluding the eponymous constructor:

  • m_assignowner – [deprecated] assigns the Marker the id of the owning Player [see above]
  • m_calclocation  – returns the potential position of the Marker based on the current die roll value
  • m_get_location – returns the current Position of the Marker
  • m_get_status – returns a flag indicating if the Marker is active
  • m_setlocation – updates the Position of the Marker

Class – Game

The major object encapsulating the methods and attributes for game play. It is driven by an external instantiation (see below).

It consists of the following attributes:

  • g_dievalue – an integer containing the value of the current die roll
  • g_gameover – a flag indicating that the game has concluded
  • g_movecounter – an incremental counter used when logging the game moves
  • g_movelog – an array of strings used to document game moves
  • g_players – an array of two Player instances representing the state of each Player
  • g_playerturn – an integer indicating which Player is currently having their turn
  • m_location –[deprecated, used in Marker instead]
  • m_owner –[deprecated, see above]

…and the following methods:

  • g_detect_clash – Calculates if a Marker which has just been moved has landed on a Position occupied by one or more Opposition Markers. Bumps those Markers back to Position 1 if found.
  • g_dieroll – updates g_dievalue with a random integer between 1 and 6 inclusive
  • g_displaylog – dumps the game log to the standard output screen/document
  • g_find_to_move_in_play – executes part of Scenario Set C, seeking candidate Markers which are on the board (i.e. >1) and choosing one to move
  • g_find_to_move_onto_board – executes second half of Scenario Set D, seeking candidate Markers which have not yet moved into play (i.e. are on Position 1)
  • g_flip_player – hand over the die to the other Player by flipping g_playerturn
  • g_get_playerturn – return the integer value of the current Player
  • g_logmove – write a string to the log array containing a description of the current move or decision commentary
  • g_marker_move – move the selected Marker to the destination Position
  • g_move_onto_board_set_D – driver for Scenario Set D, picking a Marker at random to move
  • g_newgame – called by the constructor to set up Players and their Markers
  • g_player_action – central driving game logic, cycling through the Scenario Sets until one executes successfully
  • g_return_other_player – returns the instance of the Opposition Player (being the Player who’s turn it is not)
  • g_return_player – returns an instance of the current Player
  • g_return_random – returns a random integer between 1 and x inclusive, where x is supplied by the calling method
  • g_target_magic_numbers – used by Scenario Set A and B to forecast Markers which are likely to land on penultimate or factor numbers, and to choose a Marker to move if found
  • g_target_potential _clashes_set_C – driver for Scenario Set C, will forecast Opposition Player Markers that could get knocked out based on the die roll, and the Positions of the current Player’s Markers.

Main Driver (not shown)

The main driver program:

  • Creates an instance of Game
  • Inside of a loop, calls the g_player_action method and the g_flip_player method until g_gameover is flagged
  • Displays the game log

OK. Paperwork is done. Time to cut some code.

NEXT POST… PHP, my tool of choice to fire this baby up and take it out for a run…

Photo by Lum3n from Pexels

Design and Code – Part 2 – Designing Auto120 ‘On Paper’

This is the second in a series of blog posts I’ve been working on during COVID isolation. It started with the idea of refreshing my systems design and software engineering skills, and grew in the making of it.

Part 1 describes ‘the problem’. A mathematics game designed to help children understand factors and limits which represents the board game Ludo.

In Part 2 I take you through the concepts of translating the rules and sequence of decisions made by the game into a visual model, and the implications for this when it came to converting it from a mental to an algorithmic model.

Get in touch on Twitter at @mr_al if you’d like to chat.

Beige Analog Compass by 
Ylanite Koppens via Pexels

Before Hitting the Keys

I’d spent a bit of time reflecting on this problem. Having played a couple of games with Miss 11 at home, I sat down one night with a pencil and paper to work through the Marker journeys, and to identify what the key number patterns were. 

Figure 1 – Ascertaining the factors and penultimate numbers possible when rolling a die with a valid number range of 2 to 6, so that the destination product is 120. [Also, plot of a arc segment produced by a partial glass of bourbon.]
Figure 2 – Manually testing the combinations of die rolls resulting in a Marker landed perfectly on position 120. Each of these number sets when represented as integers progressively multiplied will total 120.
Figure 3 – The ‘playing board’ represented in an Excel spreadsheet, colour coded to identify the ‘paths’ of play, what is ‘off path’ (i.e. will never return to a point where the Marker can hit 120), primes (which will never be ‘hit’), ‘factors’ (which are likely to be landed on along the way) and ‘penultimates’ (which are the final Positions that a Marker can rest on before reaching 120 in (hopefully) their next move.

The table at the bottom is a neater representation of the result of where pieces will land, based on their current ‘position’ and the roll of the die.

The tables (and scribbles) above show this. The grid at the top of Figure 3 is the “playing board”. There are a finite number of Marker Positions that a ‘successful’ Marker will occupy as it traverses the board towards the destination of 120 (dark blue). There are also a known number of prime-number locations (above a value of 6, in red) that will never be landed on.

Accounting for the fact that a die roll of 1 results in a forfeited move, this means there are five ‘penultimate’ positions (light green) and nine ‘factor’ positions (orange) which represent the ‘well-worn path’ of successful Markers. If a Marker strays from the path – then they are doomed. They cannot re-join the successful path and will eventually be bumped or busted back to Position 1.

Why is this important? Because it gives the algorithm a fighting chance, rather than randomly picking pieces and hoping for the best.

The FASTEST possible journey is for a Marker to be moved resulting from any sequential roll consisting of one each of 4, 5 and 6 (moving it to position 4, 20 and 120 respectively… or a combination thereof). Of all the Markers available to move, the algorithm will look to prioritise one that is on the ‘fast track’ of factor and penultimate numbers.

Without this targeting, the game board may as well be hidden from view, with the Players each rolling their die and then calling out a blind guess as to what Marker to move. Maybe they’ll “count cards” and keep an image in their mind as to what Markers are where… but that is not the spirit in which the game was designed ?

Once the ideal Marker journeys had been identified, then came designing the functionality to have the algorithm make a choice based on the available evidence. This matured in the coding of it, and in the realisation that additional conditions – as captured in the description above – needed to be applied. Even a relatively simple game such as this one – used to teach primary school children mathematics basics – had logical layers like an onion.

Moving from Modelling to Design

I started with the design for the most basic Scenario Set – D. Moving a piece from ‘out of play’ to ‘in play’. This was relatively straight forward… until I realised that on the opening gambit that a Player may land on the Opposing Player’s Marker on only the second move of the game. (i.e. both rolled a ‘4’ on their first move… there is nowhere else they could go.)

So, the ‘detect clash’ became the next function designed. To do this, I needed a way of holding instances of both Player’s Markers so I could cycle through them and see if any were a hit. The first challenge to that was realising that there was an exception to the ‘occupy the same space’ rule. All Player’s Markers start at Position 1, and it is to that Position they return when bumped or busted. So, it had to ignore Markers on Position 1, and Markers that were ‘inactive’, having passed precisely through Position 120 on the way.


The targeting of Opposition Player’s pieces in Scenario Set C came next. This was a variation on the logic used to detect clashes. Except, this time, it had to do some forecast calculations and then decide which piece to move. It was during the design for this method that I realised that I would not necessarily want to move a Marker ‘off the path’ or away from the fast-track, just to take out an Opponent. This was a lose-the-battle/win-the-war scenario. The logic behind choosing which Markers to target was tricky, and cost me most of my time in debugging, swearing and bourbon. I got there, eventually.

Priority Treatment

Design of the methods to target penultimate and factor Positions took a positive turn when I realised that the same logic could be applied to two different number sets. I wanted to give priority to the (green) penultimate numbers, so they became one set, and the factor numbers (orange) became the second. I applied them in that order. If a penultimate target was found, it was used. If not, the same searching logic was applied to factor numbers. I collectively referred to these as ‘magic numbers’, hence the naming in the code.

Are we there, yet?

Final trick was figuring out if it was game over. The original property design for Markers had a flag to indicate if it was active or not. I realised half way through coding that this was redundant, as was the property indicating who the owner was. Object orientation came to the rescue.

Basically – the owner was determined because the Marker was instantiated by a Player, and we would never reference a Marker without referencing the Player first. The second aspect was inelegant, but effective – once a Marker hit 120 exactly, the logic built around it would ignore any further moves involving it. The status flag was changed to a method – if you query this Marker and it’s Position is 120, it’s INACTIVE. Therefore… if you scan all a Player’s four markers and they each return INACTIVE… it’s game over.

Lovely. Time to start detailed design!

NEXT POST… Implementation design, class and method structure.

Photo by Lum3n from Pexels

Design and Code – Part 1 – Introduction to ‘Auto120’

This is the first in a long series of blog posts I’ve been working on during COVID isolation. It started with the idea of refreshing my systems design and software engineering skills, and grew in the making of it.

I’m hoping this will interest and inspire others who are either starting out with their interest in design and coding, or who are curious to explore and learn more beyond what they currently understand.

So, here is Part 1. Get in touch on Twitter at @mr_al if you’d like to chat.

Photo by Lum3n from Pexels

Auto120 – Description of problem

I decided to explore an algorithmic implementation of the “Multiplication Ludo” game as published by Dr. James Russo of Monash University, Australia.

Russo, James. (2018). Get your game on: Multiplication Ludo. (Prime Number: Volume 33, Number 3, 2018. The Mathematical Association of Victoria)

The original algorithm and rules derived from Dr. Russo’s description. Interpretation and rules sequencing by Alistair Lloyd (me!) May-June 2020. My awareness of this was through publication by Mr. Michael Minas, editor of Prime Number and award winning educator.

Set up:

• Two Players face a board with Positions marked from 1 to 120 inclusive

• Each Player has four Markers

• Every Marker starts at position 1

• The first Player to move all 4 of their Markers to land exactly on Position 120 is the winner

Game Play:

• A Player is chosen at random to go first

• Players take turns rolling a six-sided die

• If a Player roles a 1, they forfeit their turn

• If a Player roles a number between 2 and 6 inclusive, they can move one of their Markers

• The movement is calculated as the PRODUCT of [i] the die roll, and [ii] the value of the Position of the Marker that the Player choses to move

• (i.e. if the Player rolls a 5, and choses to move Marker 1 on Position 1, then they may move this Marker to Position 5 (5 x 1 = 5)

• (i.e. if the Player rolls a 4, and choses to move Marker 3 on Position 16, then they move this Marker to Position 64 (4 x 16 = 64)

• If the destination Position is already occupied by one or more of the Opposing Player’s Markers, then all the Opposing Player’s Markers at that Position get ‘bumped’ back to Position 1. Those Markers must start again from Position 1.

• A Player may have more than one of their own Pieces sharing the same Position.

• If the destination of a Player’s chosen Marker EXCEEDS the value of 120 then that Player’s Marker is bumped back to Position 1 and must start again.

• If a Player’s Marker lands exactly on position 120, then that Marker has concluded its journey, and is retired from the game. The Player continues with their remaining Markers.

• The game continues alternating Players until one Player has successfully landed ALL four of their Markers on Position 120.

Design – Algorithm

The algorithm in the code does the following decisions in this order:


Between Player 1 and Player 2, a starting player is chosen at random.

Scenario Set A – Prioritise advancing on ‘penultimate’ Positions

When a Player rolls a die, the algorithm first looks ahead to see if there is an opportunity to move a Marker to any ‘penultimate’ Positions. Penultimate Positions are those in the number set {20,24,30,40,60} where a single subsequent die roll (respectively: 6,5,4,3,2) will result in the Player landing that Marker exactly at Position 120. If it finds more than one Marker that can target a penultimate Position, it will pick one at random and move it.

Scenario Set B – Prioritise advancing on ‘factor’ Positions

If not, the algorithm goes looking ahead to target a ‘factor number’ which is one of the numbers in the set which, when cumulatively combined with die roles of 2 to 6, could eventually lead to Position 120. (i.e. one possible Marker journey is: 2, 4, 20, 40, 120 based on die rolls of: 2, 2, 5, 2 and 3). In doing this, it increases the likelihood of a Marker fast-tracking it to the end state.

Scenario Set C – Prioritise targeting Opposition Markers

If not, it goes looking to “target” an Opposition Player’s Marker to bump back to Position 1, by applying the product of the die roll value to all active opposition Markers to see which ones it may knock out. (i.e. if Player 1 rolls a 5 and could move a Marker to Position 10, then it goes looking to see if Player 2 has any Markers on Position 10 that it could bump.). The algorithm will pick the first potential target that meets these criteria.

Scenario Set D – Choose a Marker at random

Finally, if it has fallen through these three scenarios conditions, then it will do a coin toss and either:

i) pick a Marker at random which is in play (i.e. on a position > 1) to move, first checking if there is a risk that the Marker could ‘blow out’ by exceeding 120 when applying the die roll value, or

ii) pick a Marker at random that is not yet in play (i.e. on position 1) to move into play.

If all active Markers could potential blow out, then it choses one at random anyway as it must make a move.

End-game Check

After each Marker move, it scans the status of the four Markers for each Player. If a Player has no more Markers in play, they are identified as the winner and the game ends.

NEXT POST… Part 2 – designing the algorithm ‘on paper’ to work through the logic in preparation for turning it into an implementable model for object-orientated coding…